Abuja - (09)2780300
Lagos - (01)2773210


Proprietary Portfolio Management Department

The Proprietary Portfolio Department (PPD) is set up to manage the divestment of AMCON’s stake from companies wherein the Corporation holds equity.  The department co-ordinates the process and ensures that divestment of equity is carried out within the scheduled timelines. 

The PPD manages and ensures that the Corporation derives maximum returns from assets by entering joint venture arrangements with third parties as a key strategy for achieving the Corporation’s budget and diversifying its earnings. The assets under this category are those that have been advertised several times without receiving either a bid or a successful bid. The PPD identifies such assets that are suitable for J.Vs and takes custody of such assets from Credit Directorate.

The department, which is headed by Titus Osikoya, manages on–going projects thereby ensuring that projects are completed within the specified project timelines.

 "The Proprietary Portfolio Department (PPD) is set up to manage the divestment of AMCON’s stake from companies wherein the Corporation holds equity."


Email address of the Department



(01) 2773210
(09) 2780300
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