Abuja - (09)2780300
Lagos - (01)2773210



E-mail Disclaimer

19th September 2019


This is to inform the public and all stakeholders of Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to be mindful of the activities of certain unscrupulous characters who send e-mails to individuals and corporate bodies with a gmail and yahoo email addresses purportedly from AMCON. Please note that AMCON does not use those platforms for its email correspondents or communication with stakeholders.

Kindly disregard such mails because they are designed to mislead and defraud unsuspecting individuals and corporate organisations. As a result, AMCON will not be held accountable, or bear liabilities for any loss arising from dealing with, or responding to such fraudulent emails. This is, therefore, warning the public, especially, obligors and stakeholders of AMCON to desist forthwith, from responding to such emails including but not limited to emails sent by pemadorji1993@gmail.com and amconabj@gmail.com

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(09) 2780300
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